CWMI Israel & All Nations Prayers

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CWMI Israel & All Nations Prayers
Prayer for the Restoration of Israel and Nations(04/24-04/30/2024 운영자 2024-04-24
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Prayer for the Restoration of Israel and Nations      



Praying for Israel



'The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. '

(Exodus 3:7-8)

Father God, we (I) pray for Israel.

Father God!

On the evening of April 22 (January 14, Nisan), Israel begins the Passover holiday, commemorating the Jewish Exodus from Egypt, and continues until the 30th. During Passover, Israel has been on alert for terrorism for 199 days amidst the war with Hamas and Hezbollah and retaliatory battle with Iran.

Heavenly Father, we praise You, who listened to Israel when they remembered and cried out to Jehovah God in prayer during their suffering in Egypt, and called them out of Egypt and led them to the Promised Land. Thank you for making a covenant with the ancestors of Israel, who had sinned against God and were scattered across the nations, and calling them to this land according to the words prophesied through the prophets to establish a nation and prepare for the return of Messiah Yeshua. Satan knows that his time is running out and is attacking Israel in every possible way to destroy them. But the war belongs to the Lord, even in this age, “And give him no rest until the LORD establishes Jerusalem and makes her praise in the earth. The LORD has sworn by his right hand and mighty arm, ‘I will no longer give your grain for food to your enemies and the wine of your toil. He will not allow the Gentiles to drink from it, but he who gathers will eat it and praise the LORD, and he who gathers will drink from it in the courts of my sanctuary” (Isaiah 62:7-9). We trust you and thank you for working to fulfill these words.

Father God!

On April 17th and 18th, a retaliatory attack was carried out against Iran's attack on the Israeli mainland. Israel used advanced missiles capable of evading Iran's radar systems in a targeted attack on an air defense radar facility near Isfahan, part of an array protecting the top-secret Natanz nuclear facility. It damaged the radar of the S-300 system at the 8th Shekari Air Base in Isfahan. The purpose of the attack was to show Tehran that Israel could evade and neutralize its defenses, it said. Two Iranian officials said the strike hit a Russian-made S-300 air defense system and that Iran did not detect any intrusion into its airspace by drones, missiles, or aircraft. Also, on April 20, the Israeli military reportedly conducted an airstrike on a base used by the Popular Mobilization Forces, an Iranian-allied militia group based in Iraq. As Passover began, there were several rocket launches in the southern city of Sderot, but only one crossed the Israeli border. It was said to have landed in the Gaza Strip itself. In response to an attack by Hezbollah in the north last week that left 14 people wounded and one soldier dead, the Israeli military said it attacked the Beit Hanoun area and eliminated Hezbollah operatives. On the morning of the 22nd, three citizens were injured in a car crash on the Cheret Moldkai and Jeremiah roads in Jerusalem, Israel. According to the police, two suspects were arrested while they were fleeing after abandoning the vehicle, and a submachine gun was found in the car, which they described as “a terrorist attack.” On Sunday, April 21, two Palestinians who attempted to carry out a terrorist attack on soldiers near Hebron with weapons and weapons were also killed by the military. Additionally, the Israel Defense Forces killed 14 gunmen during a 50-hour operation in the Noor Shams refugee camp in the West Bank (Samaria) near Tulkarem. They also said they detained 15 wanted people, discovered and destroyed dozens of explosives, and seized weapons. Nine soldiers and a border police officer were injured in the clashes, but they were in good condition.

Heavenly Father, the war continues against Hezbollah in the Gaza Strip to the south and along the border with Lebanon to the north. In particular, as we celebrate Passover, the season of liberation from Egypt, please comfort the residents of the Gaza border area, the soldiers' families, and the families of the 133 hostages who lost many lives during the war, and give them comfort and peace from the Lord. “The LORD waits, that he may show you favor; he will arise, that he may have mercy on you. For the LORD is a God of righteousness. Blessed is everyone who waits for him. Again, you people who live in Zion, who dwell in Jerusalem. You will not mourn; he will be gracious to you because of the voice of your cry; when he hears, he will answer you” (Isaiah 30:18-19). In these difficult times, may the Israelites seek the Lord with one heart and cry out to Him in prayer, and may the Lord grant them grace and stop their tears and wailing. Under God's rule, please allow the evil things of war and terrorism to be removed entirely from this land, bring an end to war, and let the peace and shalom that the Lord gives us overflow and be restored to this land.

Father God!

The U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved new military aid to Israel, passing legislation 366-58 that would provide $17 billion in military aid to Israel and $9 billion in humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. Prime Minister Netanyahu and Foreign Secretary Katz said, “The overwhelming bipartisan support for the U.S. support package for Israel is a testament to the strong ties and strategic partnership between Israel and the United States. “It also sends a strong message to our enemies,” he said, thanking the Republican and Democratic leaders of the House of Representatives. 

We are grateful that the United States is with Israel and helping through this war. “And the LORD said to Abram, Go from your country, from your kindred, and from your father’s house to the land that I will show you, and I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you, and I will make your name great; you will be a blessing. I will I will bless, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” (Genesis 12:1-3) Please bless America, which blesses Abraham's descendants according to these words, and let the nations know that God is fulfilling His promise to Israel. Please help the living God, who is carrying out the word of restoration for this land and its people, to help the nations suffering from anti-Semitism realize that Jehovah God is the ruler of history and to know that only the Lord, whose name is Jehovah, is the Most High of the whole world ( Psalm 83:18) Also, please help Israel's leaders and people entirely rely on the God of Israel, humble themselves before God, and become one. Please help Israel become a nation that draws closer to God, seeks the Lord's grace, and exalts God’s name.

Father God!

Heavenly Father, we thank you for calling all of us, Gentiles, as intercessors and servants of God’s great and precious work. We pray with the mission of a watchman on the perfect wall. Give us peace in Jerusalem, Lord God, establish Jerusalem and be praised. May the Jews and all the tribes of Israel scattered throughout the nations who must return to their homeland return to the Promised Land. Please work so Aliyah can be fulfilled even among the believing Jews by changing the law of return. Give us the power to fully fulfill the precious mission of praying and serving each of us until the word of God is fulfilled. May I always live a life of faith filled with the Holy Spirit. Please take care of our health.

In the name of Yeshua Messiah, I (we) pray for Israel.


Praying for the Nations



'“Listen to me, my people; hear me, my nation: Instruction will go out from me; my justice will become a light to the nations. '

(Isaiah 51:4)

Father God, I (we) pray for the nation.

Father God!

# Near Hualien County in eastern Taiwan, where a magnitude 7.2 earthquake occurred on April 3, a magnitude 5.6 earthquake occurred in succession on the morning of the 21st, and a magnitude 5.9 aftershock occurred on the 22nd. As a result, Taiwan's Central Meteorological Department announced damage, such as buildings leaning, and issued a disaster prevention warning for Hualien County on the 22nd.


# On April 16, about 80 mm of rain fell in 24 hours in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where it rarely rains, with an annual average of 100 mm. This caused flooding in Dubai's city center, major shopping malls, roads, and subway stations, and the airport's doors were closed.

# On April 18, Indonesia's Luang Volcano began erupting slowly on the morning of the 16th. It exploded around 8:15 pm on the 17th, and lava and ash rose into the sky up to 3km high, leading authorities to blockade a 6km area around the volcano and order 12,000 residents to evacuate. This volcanic eruption has been going on for five days, and its impact has reached Malaya, which has even closed Manado Airport.

Heavenly Father, we continue to hear news of disasters, such as abnormal weather, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, from all over the world, as well as war news. “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but take heed that you do not be afraid. These things must happen, but the end is not yet. Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and famines and earthquakes in various places. All these will be disasters. “It is the beginning” (Matthew 24:6-8). As you said, we live in this era where news is being heard about the war between Russia and Ukraine and the war with Iran, including Israel's terrorist groups, Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthi rebels. As the saying goes, the nation rises against the nation. We see that this is the beginning of disaster. As we see that the signs and words of the end times are being fulfilled until the coming of Yeshua, our Lord, the Prince of Peace, please help people of faith wake up in this era to intercede and fully prepare the way for the Lord's return. Please fill me with the Holy Spirit and help me live a saintly life of words and prayer.

Father God!

On April 18, the UN Security Council voted on a resolution recommending Palestine's admission to the UN General Assembly, but it was rejected due to the US's veto. Twelve countries, including Korea, among the 15 members, supported the bill, but for the agenda to pass the Security Council, it must receive the approval of more than 9 of the 15 members. None of the five permanent members, including the United States, China, Russia, the United Kingdom, and France, must exercise a veto. On the 20th, Israeli Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Oren Mamostein announced the countries that voted in favor of Palestine's plan to become a full member in the recent UN Security Council vote. He said he would summon the ambassadors of France, Japan, South Korea, Malta, Slovakia, and Ecuador to convey his protest. “The common message to be conveyed to them is that six months after the massacre on October 7 last year, political gestures toward Palestine and demands for recognition of a Palestinian state are compensation for terrorism,” he said.

Heavenly Father, please pity the foolishness of the 15 members of the UN Security Council to divide Israel into two countries. Nations that do not know God and do not know the Word say that God gave it to Abraham and his descendants. “On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, ‘To your descendants, I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates.’” (Genesis 15:18). “I will establish my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for an everlasting covenant; I will be the God of you and your descendants after you. “It will be” (Genesis 17:7, 8). Please pity my foolishness for not knowing these words. Especially in these last days, “I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and there I will judge them for my people, Israel, my inheritance because they have scattered Israel among the nations and divided my land” (Joel 3:2) Please help people and nations who practice these words without knowing or understanding them understand. We believe God will rule over the foolishness of trying to divide God's promised land and carry out His word through His sovereignty. We proclaim that God's eternal covenant is unchanging and that His word for this land will be fulfilled through Israel. We praise the name of Jehovah God the Father.

We (I) prayed for the nations in the name of Yeshua Messiah. Amen. 


Praying for the United States



'But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. '

(2 Timothy 3:14-15)

Father God, I (we) pray for the US.


Father God!


The uphill battle continues for parents' rights in public school education in America. LGBTQ advocacy groups who filed a lawsuit last March challenging Florida's 2022 Parental Education Rights Act agreed to a settlement for the first time in nearly two years. At its core, the lawsuit “concerns the scope of the law banning education about sexual orientation and gender identity from kindergarten through eighth grade.” Students and teachers are not permitted to talk about sexual identity and gender orientation in “formal classroom instruction,” according to the agreement. This education must be neutral so that it can be discussed in schools outside of classroom instruction, which means that teachers cannot teach in the classroom that Biblical values are correct. Progressives called it a win for progress, not restricting "literary references to gay or transgender people or same-sex couples, literature, classroom discussions, or student work" in classrooms. But Governor DeSantis said that since it is not included in the school curriculum, he gets to keep the law he championed in place.


Heavenly Father, we pray for us, the church, and our children of faith. Our children and young people are exposed to unbiblical values being instilled not only in public education but also in the media and social media. We pray that the next generation of believers will live with faith and the Word to walk perfectly before the Lord. Let the church establish more faith workers to prepare and raise leaders who will meekly and humbly lead the next generation of the Lord for America and the nations without being shaken by power and authority. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2). Like these words, please help our fathers generation, who pray for wisdom and God's perfect will for the country in which we and our children will live. Wake up and pray. In particular, please give mothers the power of the Holy Spirit so that they can pray earnestly like Hannah prayed for Samuel and raise up the next generation of Samuel.


Father God!


Professor George Bana presented a paper titled “Raising Spiritual Champions” at the Center for Cultural Studies at Arizona Christian University. The paper states that the proportion of Americans who accept the biblical worldview has declined for more than 30 years since the early 1990s, and the church's response has been minimal, putting the United States in a crisis. Today's pre-teens are like intellectual and spiritual sponges, desperately trying to understand the world, their identity, purpose, and how to live meaningful and satisfying lives. For these people, parents, in particular, must focus on and invest in developing their children's worldview and life-decision-making education. If parents fail to fill that void, their children's worldviews can be influenced by the media, school, and peers. The importance of Christian education with a biblical worldview at home and church was further emphasized.


Heavenly Father, please bless families and churches of faith in America, the home of spiritual revival, so that children can grow up to acknowledge Jesus as their Savior and recognize the value of the Bible. Let us help our young children grow closer to the Lord, support them as they grow and know the Lord more in their lives, and, most of all, protect their hearts. We want churches and parents to pray for America's next generation. Let the U.S. Ministry of Education and all government officials in charge of educational policy first understand the value of the Bible and become followers of biblical truth. Let evil thoughts and theories that oppose the Bible be bound and driven away from all areas of American society, including law and culture. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. “I have sworn and determined to keep your righteous decrees” (Psalm 119:105,106). Please help us grow into people who learn, keep, and practice the word of truth, which is the light on our path.


Father God!


We pray for the November presidential election in the United States. Let a chosen leader be raised who can realize the values of the Bible according to the Word and correct all crookedness. Please help believers who believe in God and pray for the president and members of the Senate and House of Representatives so that they can discern and elect the people with a spirit of fear of the Lord. Let the media honestly report on the election campaign process and give the people the ears and discernment to judge and listen properly. In the name of Jesus, we cancel biased reports and public opinion, forming negative frames targeting specific candidates. We want those who fear God to devote themselves to the people and the country as presidents and leaders and have fair elections without manipulation or fraud. Let a president stand who restores America’s holiness by protecting its founding ideals and constitutional values and enacting an abortion law that saves the life of the fetus. Please help America become a just country of light that God uses until the end.


We (I) prayed for America in the name of Yeshua, Messiah. Amen. 


Praying for South Korea



'I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. '


(Romans 8:18-21)

Father God, I (we) pray for South Korea.

Father God!


On the afternoon of the 27th, the Daegu Citizens' Coalition Against Halal Industry (co-chairs Moon Gye-wan and Lee Chang-ho, from now on referred to as the Citizens' Coalition) comprised about 50 organizations, including the Daegu Christian Values Coalition, Daegu Holy Club, and the Daegu Halal Ministerial Council, held a meeting. We decided to have a citizens' rally against the creation of Daegu Halal Food Valley at Banwoldang intersection in Daegu City and are collecting signatures against ‘Daegu City Halal Food Valley.’ Citizens’ Solidarity said, “On August 17, 2023, Daegu Mayor Hong Joon-pyo promoted the ‘Halal Food Revitalization Project’ for five years from 2024 to 2028 at the Daegu city level. He plans to support the cost of halal certification to enter the halal market and increase the number of halal certification companies tenfold from the current 5 to 50 by 2028. In addition, it was said that one of the five food industry cluster complexes promoted by Daegu City would be designated and established as a halal industrial complex. Still, Citizens' Solidarity pointed out that Daegu City did not hold a public hearing. In particular, “in Korean society where Islamic Sharia law courts do not exist, by the ‘Fatwa (interpretation of the Quran and Shariah law)’ declared by the ‘Mufti (Islamic priest)’ of each export target country, “Halal food as a means of spreading Islam “The acceptance criteria requires that the halal certification validity period be renewed every one or two years, so our companies may face excessive burden and economic dependence." In addition, Lee said, “The expansion of the halal industry will inevitably lead to the expansion of Islam.”

“In most Islamic countries, a Muslim must be the butcher for halal slaughter. The condition is that the slaughter must be done after shouting 'Takbir,' an Islamic religious ritual, 'Bismillah (in the name of Allah)' or 'Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest. There is no god but Allah).” “This is a clear Islamic religious act,” he said, and pointed out, “The act of supporting companies with halal certification that manufactures such halal food with national taxes is a preferential treatment for a specific religion.”


Heavenly Father, we thank you for pointing out and publicizing the expansion of Islam and its economic subordination through the Islamic halal industry through Daegu's Citizens' Coalition Against Halal Industry. Please help us restore Jerusalem's center of faith in South Korea to a heritage site where the gospel of Yeshua's love was spread through education and medical services through missionaries in Daegu during the revival in Pyongyang, and churches were established. “No man can serve two masters: either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. For you cannot serve both God and money” (Matthew 6:24). Please remember that God has blessed our country with today's wealth when the pioneers of faith keep their faith and do not follow the example of the world. Please protect us so we can become a country that loves truth more than material things and seeks God. For this purpose, please bless the Daegu Citizens’ Coalition Against Halal Industry, which works together to prevent the expansion of the halal industry. Please help the churches and believers in Korea work together to stop the expansion of Islam.


Father God!


Please help those who were elected in the election held on April 10th to establish the Republic of Korea as a democratic country and to strive to educate and educate the next generation properly. Please help us avoid our wrongdoings and become honest people before God. In particular, may those who believe in God fear God through faith that takes the lead in serving the country rather than those who serve their party. Please bless me so that I may be raised as a devoted and faithful worker who knows this era through the Word of God. We acknowledge that everything is in the hands of the Lord and pray for our country and people. May the Republic of Korea be established as a nation that fears God and becomes a unified Korea through faith. Please help us become a country that spreads the works of God to all nations. Please help the Korean churches serve the Lord on their knees in prayer, not forgetting that they have prayed and taken the lead in building the country and receiving today's blessings amidst the problematic history of the past. Please help me fill the remaining cup of prayer that opens the door to unification. Please help Korea become a Christian nation used by God, a missionary, and an advanced and unified anti-communist liberal democratic market economy. Please help us become a country that is blessed with pro-Israel policies and makes Israel jealous.


In the name of Yeshua Messiah, I (we) prayed for South Korea. Amen. 


Praying for CWMI

Father God!

We pray for the ministry planned and promoted by CWMI in 2024. 

The Korean branch is planning a Holy Spirit-filled prayer meeting for Christian female leaders on June 4-5. May the Holy Spirit guide you.

We plan a seminar for Korean missionaries in Israel from September 23rd to 30th. Please bless us so that the doors that have been shrunk due to Israel's war will be wide open, and please keep the instructors and all attendees solid and safe with the Holy Spirit.

# Please bless all executives and branch heads, including the president. What we ask of those in charge is loyalty, so let them obey for the glory of the Lord and let only the gospel be revealed. 


Focused ministry:

1. Israel Bible Seminar 2. Bible College 3. Cultural Performance Ministry 

4. Aliyah fundraising ministry 5. Consolation ministry 6. Intercessory prayer ministry



We pray for the Wednesday All Nations Prayer Meeting, held online every week. Thank you for blessing the Nations Prayer Meeting, which has been working diligently every week. Bless the ICC Church and the Virginia House of Prayer for the Nations (VHOP). Thank you for allowing us to make the recent 'Prayer Video' to pray for the fulfillment of the Bible and the video to convey "God's Time and Israel". Many videos that can be used as data to inform Israel are spread so people can discern the time of this era and pray with the Bible in their closets.

Proclaiming prayer for Israel and all other nations



In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

The great kings’ city, Jerusalem shall be fully filled with the peace of Yeshua, the king of Jews!

The powers that divide Jerusalem and prevent the return of the King will be collapsed by self-destruction!

Persian influence, supporting the neighboring countries to be against Jerusalem, will be cut off!

All saints in the whole world shall be watchmen over the walls of Jerusalem!

The sound of idolatry, in Jerusalem and the land of Israel, shall be cut off! Let it disappear and vanish! Amen!

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

The miracle of salvation, healing, and restoration shall be full in every church in Israel every day!

The movement to know Yeshua, a Jewish man, shall be a trend in the campus of Israeli universities! Amen! 

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

This year shall be a major turning point for Jewish Aliyah in all around the world!

Jewish people living in Russia, central Asia, and all other areas shall quickly return to their homeland before the doors shut!

Korean churches, in all nations, seeing the flag of Aliyah, shall participate in the Mission for Israel! Amen!

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

All the chain of oppression binding Arabic children and women shall shatter!

Children and women in Arab countries shall be the gateway to the blessings of the Gospel!

The dirty spirit of Homosexuality, covering the whole world, shall crumble! Amen! 

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

The wind of reform to understand Israel shall blow in the Korean Churches!

The wicked forces behind the North Korean regime shall be collapsed and self-destructed!

The brave believers shall be raised and restored in North Korea so that the Gospel shall spread widely! Amen!

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the King of Jews, King of kings, I proclaim.

The fascination of Antichrist, the world monolithic government such as the Illuminati, Jesuit, Freemason, and the united religion, shall be clearly exposed!

Wise and loyal servants of God shall discern and teach so that the saints will be awake without being deceived!

The Grace of our Lord, Yeshua Messiah, the love of God, and the communion of Holy Spirit shall be filled upon all Christians who pray for the peace of Jerusalem and world mission! Amen!



Above all supplication, I (we) pray in the name of Yeshua Messiah. 

Finish with God’s prayer. Amen.

“Prayer Meeting for Israel and All Nations”

Every Wednesday 12PM (US EDT), ICC Worship VA


CWMI Korea

The regular prayer meeting, on last Thursday every month, is temporarily stopped. 

The next meeting schedule will be informed later.

Inquiry:  missionary Cho, Kyung Soon (010-5511-1824)

CWMI Overseas 

Please refer to the online prayer meeting (live streaming available) at the Virginia international House of Prayer (International Calvary Church / CWMI Chairman Pastor Sung-ja Lee). 

ICC Worship VA


CWMI Website (

Visit the website every week to watch the ICC Friday Open Worship Service, which offers praise and prayers.



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