CWMI Israel & All Nations Prayers

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  • CWMI Israel & All Nations Prayers
CWMI Israel & All Nations Prayers
Prayer for the Restoration of Israel and Nations(11/27-12/03/2024) 운영자 2024-11-27
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Prayer for the Restoration of Israel and Nations      



Praying for Israel



'Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed. I cry out to God Most High, to God, who vindicates me. He sends from heaven and saves me, rebuking those who hotly pursue me— God sends forth his love and his faithfulness. '

(Psalms 57:1-3)

Father God, we (I) pray for Israel.


Father God!

On the evening of November 26, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu announced a ceasefire with Hezbollah, which will take effect at 10 a.m. on the 27th and last for 60 days. Prime Minister Netanyahu stated that the ceasefire agreement was 1. to prepare for the threat from Iran, 2. to allow the Israeli military to rest and restock its weapons, 3. to cut off the relationship between Hamas and Hezbollah, prevent Hamas from relying on Hezbollah, and rescue the 101 hostages remaining in Gaza. The five-nation international coalition in Lebanon will monitor Hezbollah's disarmament, and Israeli military operations will resume immediately if Hezbollah violates the agreement. During the past two days of ceasefire talks with Lebanon, Hezbollah has fired about 350 rockets a day. Several people were injured in Petah Tikva, Haifa, Kfar Blum, Tel Aviv, and its suburbs. This was the largest attack in months, and the IDF announced that 25 targets of the Hezbollah Executive Committee were destroyed near Beirut.

Father God, we thank you for protecting Israel in this difficult time of war and terrorism, and we declare that the battle belongs to you, and we pray with the words of Psalm 18.

'For who is God besides the Lord ? And who is the Rock except our God? It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze. You make your saving help my shield, and your right hand sustains me; your help has made me great. You provide a broad path for my feet, so that my ankles do not give way. I pursued my enemies and overtook them; I did not turn back till they were destroyed. I crushed them so that they could not rise; they fell beneath my feet. You armed me with strength for battle; you humbled my adversaries before me. You made my enemies turn their backs in flight, and I destroyed my foes. '


Psalms 18:31-40

Father God, we thank you for the 60-day ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon, mediated by the United States and France. On that day God made a covenant with Abram and said, “To your descendants, I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates.” (Gen. 15:18) We pray that the lands from the Nile River in Egypt to the Euphrates River in the north will come into peace, as promised to Abram. Please especially bless the Christians in Lebanon and help Lebanon transform into a Christian nation and become a nation that blesses Israel. We pray that the homes damaged by the attacks will be restored and that days of peace will come quickly so that both the residents of southern Lebanon and the residents of northern Israel can live in stability. We pray that you punish Iran, which supports Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthi terrorist group in Yemen, and Iraq, and attack Israel while threatening to destroy Israel from the face of the earth and continue to attack Israel.

Father God, it has been raining and the weather has become cold this week. Please quickly find the 101 hostages currently remaining in the Gaza Strip and open the way for them to return. Please have mercy on the Gazans who have left their homes and are living in pain due to war under the evil Hamas, and eliminate Hamas. Please comfort the parents of the young soldiers who gave their lives to protect their country and their families and the families who have lost their husbands and fathers. “Israel will be saved by the Lord with an everlasting salvation; you will never be put to shame or disgraced.” (Isaiah 45:17) We pray with gratitude, believing that Israel will receive the salvation of the Lord God according to this word. Please protect the Israeli soldiers on the battlefield and help the wounded to heal quickly. Also, please protect and protect the civilians from Hamas agents who continue to commit terrorism within Israel. “For you are holy, O Lord, enthroned in the praises of Israel” (Psalm 22:3) We praise the holy God of Israel.

Father God!

# Last Thursday, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued international arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Galant for war crimes.

# On November 24, Rabbi Kogan, who worked for the Orthodox Jewish Habad Movement in New York City, and was reaching the Jewish community in the United Arab Emirates, was found dead in the Emirati city of Al Ain after disappearing on the 21st, and three criminals were arrested.


Israeli officials suspect Iran was involved in Kogan’s murder, and have warned that similar incidents could occur in other countries, including Thailand, Georgia, and parts of Europe. The International Criminal Court of God the Father has issued arrest warrants for Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Galant for war crimes. Please have mercy on the wrong prejudice that Israel is being tried for criminal offenses against Hamas, which committed the brutal terrorist attack on October 7, and against the 101 hostages held in the Gaza Strip without any announcement. Their trials are further contributing to the anti-Semitism and anti-Semitism that is currently taking place in the world. Thank you for arresting the three perpetrators who murdered Rabbi Kogan in the United Arab Emirates last week. Please protect the Jewish community in the United Arab Emirates, as well as the Jews scattered throughout the world. At a time when such anti-Semitism is occurring, please allow the Jews to return to the promised land as promised. Please work so that many countries and political leaders of the world will help Israel. As God promised Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Gen. 12:3) Please bless Israel as this word says, and let the nations that stand with Israel receive God’s blessings because of Israel. Please forgive the wrongdoings that Christians have done to the Israelites throughout history, and heal the wounded Israelites.

Father God!

All the idols that defiled Israel and the temple of Jerusalem are destroyed in the name of Yeshua. All the evil deeds of the pagans in the Valley of the Hinnom and the foreign gods in the Valley of Kidron are confronted in the name of Yeshua and are consumed by the fire of the Holy Spirit. We declare that Jerusalem is covered with the blood of Yeshua and purified in the mighty name of Yeshua. The altar of Abraham on Mount Moriah will be restored. The altar of the burnt offering on the threshing floor of Araunah of David will be erected. The temple that Solomon established to proclaim peace will be established as a house of prayer for all peoples, and worship will be restored! Glory be to the holy Jehovah God alone. We declare that the complete restoration of Jerusalem will be accomplished in the name of the Messiah Yeshua, who will come again!

Father God!

Heavenly Father, we thank you for calling all of us, Gentiles, as intercessors and servants of God’s great and precious work. We pray with the mission of a watchman on the perfect wall. Give us peace in Jerusalem, Lord God, establish Jerusalem and be praised. May the Jews and all the tribes of Israel scattered throughout the nations who must return to their homeland return to the Promised Land. Please work so Aliyah can be fulfilled even among the believing Jews by changing the law of return. Give us the power to fully fulfill the precious mission of praying and serving each of us until the word of God is fulfilled. May I always live a life of faith filled with the Holy Spirit. Please take care of our health.

In the name of Yeshua Messiah, I (we) pray for Israel.


Praying for the Nations



' “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.'

(Matthew 13:44-46)


Father God!

Pray for the house churches that are continuing to grow and flourish in Iran. Pray for Iranian pastors Farshid Fathi and Sarah Akhavan, who gave testimony on the growth of house churches in Iran at the 4th Lausanne Congress in Incheon in late September, and for Iranian pastors currently in prison.

# Pastor Fathi accepted Christ in 1995, and in 2005, two families started a house church that grew to 50 churches in 2010. In 2010, he was arrested with 12 other church members who worshiped with him and was imprisoned for 5 years before being released and expelled from Iran. Pastor Fathi, currently staying in Turkey, is actively engaging in fellowship with Iranian Christians living in neighboring countries. Although surveillance and persecution of Christians continue in Iran, he is confident that there are more than 1 million Muslim-Buddhist believers (MBBs).

# Also, Sara Akhavan, an Iranian-Argentine, established house churches in seven small villages with the history of God appearing to her through supernatural phenomena. She was arrested and imprisoned while preaching the gospel in the sixth village but was released from prison a few weeks later and was able to establish the seventh house church. She said that God’s history and help were always present during all the difficulties.

# Pastor Abedian, a 62-year-old Iranian-Armenian who was arrested on September 24th for leading a house church and sentenced to 10 years in prison, was thankful that he appealed his sentence after serving a little over a year in Evin Prison in Tehran and was acquitted by the appeals court. However, 21 Christians are currently under arrest by the Iranian authorities, including Hakop Gochumyan, a 35-year-old Armenian leader of the Evangelical Christian Network (NEC), who was arrested on August 15, 2023, and sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Father God, We pray for the leaders and believers of the house churches in Iran who are keeping their faith and spreading the gospel even amidst the persecution and difficulties of the Iranian government. The Iranian criminal law considers house churches that worship in Persian as illegal organizations that interfere with the sacred religion of Islam and national security and arrests them. Amidst all this, I praise God the Father who is protecting and giving revival to the house churches in Iran. Please fill the ministers with the Holy Spirit, protect them, and give them the grace to boldly spread the gospel and teach the Word. “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” (Matthew 5:10-12) Please protect and comfort every one of the house church members who keep their faith in Jesus and worship Him amidst persecution, and let them look forward to their heavenly reward and be victorious. Please spread the gospel of the victory of salvation through the cross of Jesus through them, let the work of the kingdom of God continue to happen, and let the number of believers increase every day. Please release the 21 Christian leaders who are still in prison quickly. We pray that the Lord will protect and fill all the house church leaders and all the members who serve God without fear even amid such persecution and tribulation, and give them the Holy Spirit.

Father God!

Father God, it has been over 1,000 days since Russia invaded Ukraine. Many innocent civilians are suffering from the severe war. Please comfort the tired bodies and minds of the Ukrainian refugees who have fled to neighboring countries due to the war. Please protect the safety of all churches and families in Ukraine, give courage to church leaders, and help the saints overcome the fear of war with faith. “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom” (Luke 21:10) And as He said this, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you do not be alarmed; all this must happen, but the end is not yet” (Matthew 24:6)

Lord, who said this is the beginning of disaster, we believe that through the news of suffering that we hear through the war, especially through the war between Russia and Ukraine, and the war between Hamas Hezbollah, and Israel, You are making us realize that this is the beginning of disaster in the end times. We pray that the reign of the Lord, the Prince of Peace, will come upon all the nations of this earth. At the beginning of this disaster, please fill us with the Holy Spirit so that we may be alert, and sober, long for the coming of the kingdom of God, and live a life of faith that prepares the way for the coming of the Lord.

We (I) prayed for the nations in the name of Yeshua Messiah. Amen. 


Praying for the United States



'Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. '

(2 Timothy 2:15)

Father God, I (we) pray for the US.


Father God!

The Texas Board of Education has voted to allow Bible-infused instruction in preschools and elementary schools under an optional new curriculum that will test the line between religion and public schools in the United States. The Texas Board of Education emphasized the historical significance of the Bible as a central part of American history and how teaching the Bible can enrich students’ understanding of American history and culture. The final vote passed 8-7 amid criticism and opposition that the class would evangelize young learners and alienate students of faiths other than Christianity.

Father God, we thank you for the decision to allow Bible-infused instruction in Texas elementary schools under the new curriculum. Bless Texas for being the first state to introduce Bible classes in schools through the new curriculum. “And that from a child you have known the holy scriptures, which can make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 3:15, 16) According to this verse, may Bible education be established from an early age, integrating the biblical values ​​deeply embedded in the foundation of the United States. Bless children so that they may be educated to form sound values, so that their education will be improved and they will have a better understanding of literature, history, and even modern expressions derived from the Bible. However, in Louisiana, a bill requiring the posting of the Ten Commandments in all public school classrooms was blocked by a federal judge earlier this month. In Oklahoma, policies requiring the inclusion of the Bible in lesson plans for children in grades 5 through 12 are being sued. We pray that policies that honor the word of the Bible will be established in Louisiana and Oklahoma. Please pray that churches and parents will pray more tearfully for the proper education of their children and that education for the spirit of the American founding faith in 1776 and democracy will be realized. Please spread the Bible-based education system and curriculum to all states in the educational world.

Father God!

Please let the spiritual atmosphere of the 50 states of the United States change with the conviction of President Trump, who declared a proper religious policy centered on the Bible through the presidential election, so that a great awakening occurs, a change to biblical values, and a revival occurs. We hope that the churches and intercessors will wake up and pray more so that America can return to the biblical values ​​of 1776, so that cultural Marxism disappears, and America can return to its pure appearance. Please let all Americans return to God and participate in the change and development of America with faith. Please protect President-elect Trump and the new administration, and add Your wisdom and discernment so that the policies to be implemented will be carried out justly. Also, please let the process of digging up and arresting corruption and injustice be carried out justly with Your wisdom. Above all, please let the American people realize the extremely unbiblical direction that America is currently pursuing. Please completely turn away from the cultural policy of Marxism, make us obey God's created order regarding the right gender of men and women, and work to establish a right family order with the rights of parents over their children. Please give wisdom and faith to the elected president and the members of the Senate and House of Representatives, and use the authority that comes from God wisely so that the people of the United States can return to a life of faith in peace. Please help us, Lord, to become a country that exerts a good influence on the nations of the world. “He is God’s messenger to you for good” (Romans 13:4) Please make them leaders who do good as this verse says, “He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8) Please make them a president who does justice, fears the Lord God, and loves the people as this verse says, and let all departments trust in God until the day of inauguration. Also, please give them discernment and wisdom so that they can establish people of faith who serve the country and the people. Please bless the President of the United States and all the leaders who will be with him so that they can have the courage and boldness to carry out the good things they promised during their election campaign and be faithful to God. Please keep them safe and make them people who fear only the Lord and always stand humbly before God, and guide them to be wise people who use what God has entrusted to them for good.

We (I) prayed for America in the name of Yeshua, Messiah. Amen. 


Praying for South Korea



'And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.'

(Romans 13:11-14)

Father God, I (we) pray for South Korea.

Father God!


The National Intelligence Service, which is currently investigating specific intelligence reports that North Korean casualties have occurred in the Kursk region, a fiercely contested battleground in southwestern Russia, reported to the National Assembly on the 20th, “We believe that casualties are occurring as the North Korean military has begun participating in frontline combat,” and “We are currently investigating the exact details as there is a lot of conflicting information.” On the 20th, Ukrainian media outlet RBC Ukraine reported that Ukraine attacked the Kursk region of Russia with the Storm Shadow cruise missiles it received support from the UK. Citing the local military media outlet Global Defense Corporation, it reported on the 23rd that 500 North Korean soldiers were killed and three North Korean soldiers, including two male officers and a female interpreter presumed to be an interpreter, were injured. The possibility of North Korean casualties has been raised through various channels, just over a month after the North Korean military was dispatched to Russia. Among these, there are concerns that the war between ‘Russia, which cooperated with North Korea’ and ‘Ukraine, which has strengthened support from the West’ will intensify.


Father God, we pray for the countless people suffering from the war. We especially place in your hands the families of the 500 North Korean soldiers who were dispatched to Russia and lost their lives in the war in Ukraine. Please bring down the Kim Jong-un regime, which has driven the world to the threat of war and has not hesitated to cause innocent lives to be cruelly killed on the battlefield. Please also bring an end to the war between Russia and Ukraine, which has continuously caused casualties by having the North Korean military participate in frontline battles. By sending the North Korean military to the war, Kim Jong-un receives compensation for the dispatch of troops, increases military capabilities for the war, creates weapons of mass destruction necessary for the war, and creates anxiety. Russia is supporting North Korea with related equipment and anti-aircraft missiles to supplement the vulnerable Pyongyang air defense network and is hindering the peaceful unification of North Korea and South Korea. Please quickly cut off Russia’s military cooperation with North Korea, and may the Holy Spirit intervene strongly so that they no longer hurt the security of the Korean Peninsula. Please pour out the Holy Spirit so that the churches of the Republic of Korea, which are praying and waiting for the gospel unification, can fill their prayer vessels for unification. “No tool made against you will be useful; every tongue that rises against you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their righteousness from me.” (Isaiah 54:17) Please make all the tools they have made useless according to this verse. Please work so that the South and the North can be unified through the gospel and become a Christian-unified nation, a missionary Korea, and an advanced Korea. Please make the Korean church a generation that awakens the nations of the world and prepares and welcomes the way of the Lord who will come again with the fullness of the Holy Spirit.


Father God!


Unlike the Korean church, which is showing a clear decline, the fortune-telling market is growing significantly. The size of the Korean fortune-telling market recently released by the industry is 1.4 trillion won, and considering uncounted sales, the actual size is said to be larger. Fortune-telling content on online platforms such as SNS, YouTube, Naver, and Kakao has increased significantly compared to before, and according to Naver's expert consulting platform 'Expert', the 1st and 2nd most popular fields are fortune-telling, fortune-telling, and tarot reading, respectively. Contrary to the long-standing social perception that fortune-telling is exclusive to the older generation, it is becoming a kind of play culture for the younger generation to have fortune-telling for employment, job changes, love, and marriage, and consume it in their daily lives. Christian youth who join the fortune-telling trend are no exception. In fact, according to a survey conducted by the Christian Social Issues Research Institute last year targeting Protestants aged 19-34, 45.4% of respondents had experience with 'fortune-telling, fortune-telling, and tarot reading'. In a survey by the Pew Research Center in the United States, 30% of Korean Christians responded that they had seen tarot cards or fortune telling in the past year.


Father God, please pity the young people who depend on those in power for their uncertainty about the future. Many young people are foolishly relying on fortune-telling for their lives by accessing fortune-telling content that is easily accessible. First, we, the older generation who have faith, repent for not being able to truly and completely show an example of faith before God. Please forgive us for not being able to show through our lives that even if we believe in Jesus and become children of God, suffering follows for the gospel to become the gospel, and that through that suffering, we can grow into people of pure faith, so that our children’s generation cannot look only to the living God. “When someone says to you, ‘Ask the mediums and the magicians,’ do they not ask the living for the dead? Shouldn’t a people ask their God?’” (Isaiah 8:19) Like this verse, may this young generation wake up from their spiritual sleep and become those who ask the living God and seek only God. “Do not turn to mediums or spiritists, nor do you seek after them to be defiled by them; I am the Lord your God.” (Leviticus 19:31) Please save their souls so that they do not entrust their lives to fortune-telling, which God hates the most, and defile their souls. May the young generation, our future, accept Jesus as their Savior and King, and may they no longer be immersed in fortune-telling, fortune-telling, and tarot cards, and may they firmly hold on to the Word of God that saves us and become victorious. As those living in the last days, may the grace of restoration of royal authority as priests like kings be poured upon those who await the return of Yeshua. We earnestly pray together that the younger generation may be sensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and be established as warriors who spread the gospel of the kingdom to the nations.


In the name of Yeshua Messiah, I (we) prayed for South Korea. Amen. 

Praying for CWMI

Father God!

# Please bless all executives and branch heads, including the president. What we ask of those in charge is loyalty, so let them obey for the glory of the Lord and let only the gospel be revealed. 


Focused ministry:

1. Israel Bible Seminar 2. Bible College 3. Cultural Performance Ministry 

4. Aliyah fundraising ministry 5. Consolation ministry 6. Intercessory prayer ministry



We pray for the Wednesday All Nations Prayer Meeting, held online every week. Thank you for blessing the Nations Prayer Meeting, which has been working diligently every week. Bless the ICC Church and the Virginia House of Prayer for the Nations (VHOP). Thank you for allowing us to make the recent 'Prayer Video' to pray for the fulfillment of the Bible and the video to convey "God's Time and Israel". Many videos that can be used as data to inform Israel are spread so people can discern the time of this era and pray with the Bible in their closets.

Proclaiming prayer for Israel and all other nations



In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

The great kings’ city, Jerusalem shall be fully filled with the peace of Yeshua, the king of Jews!

The powers that divide Jerusalem and prevent the return of the King will be collapsed by self-destruction!

Persian influence, supporting the neighboring countries to be against Jerusalem, will be cut off!

All saints in the whole world shall be watchmen over the walls of Jerusalem!

The sound of idolatry, in Jerusalem and the land of Israel, shall be cut off! Let it disappear and vanish! Amen!

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

The miracle of salvation, healing, and restoration shall be full in every church in Israel every day!

The movement to know Yeshua, a Jewish man, shall be a trend in the campus of Israeli universities! Amen! 

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

This year shall be a major turning point for Jewish Aliyah in all around the world!

Jewish people living in Russia, central Asia, and all other areas shall quickly return to their homeland before the doors shut!

Korean churches, in all nations, seeing the flag of Aliyah, shall participate in the Mission for Israel! Amen!

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

All the chain of oppression binding Arabic children and women shall shatter!

Children and women in Arab countries shall be the gateway to the blessings of the Gospel!

The dirty spirit of Homosexuality, covering the whole world, shall crumble! Amen! 

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

The wind of reform to understand Israel shall blow in the Korean Churches!

The wicked forces behind the North Korean regime shall be collapsed and self-destructed!

The brave believers shall be raised and restored in North Korea so that the Gospel shall spread widely! Amen!

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the King of Jews, King of kings, I proclaim.

The fascination of Antichrist, the world monolithic government such as the Illuminati, Jesuit, Freemason, and the united religion, shall be clearly exposed!

Wise and loyal servants of God shall discern and teach so that the saints will be awake without being deceived!The Grace of our Lord, Yeshua Messiah, the love of God, and the communion of Holy Spirit shall be filled upon all Christians who pray for the peace of Jerusalem and world mission! Amen!



Above all supplication, I (we) pray in the name of Yeshua Messiah. 

Finish with God’s prayer. Amen.

“Prayer Meeting for Israel and All Nations”

Every Wednesday 12PM (US EDT), ICC Worship VA


CWMI Korea

The regular prayer meeting, on last Thursday every month, is temporarily stopped. 

The next meeting schedule will be informed later.

Inquiry:  missionary Cho, Kyung Soon (010-5511-1824)

CWMI Overseas 

Please refer to the online prayer meeting (live streaming available) at the Virginia international House of Prayer (International Calvary Church / CWMI Chairman Pastor Sung-ja Lee). 

ICC Worship VA


CWMI Website (

Visit the website every week to watch the ICC Friday Open Worship Service, which offers praise and prayers.



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