CWMI Israel & All Nations Prayers

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CWMI Israel & All Nations Prayers
Prayer for the Restoration of Israel and Nations(09/25-10/01/2024 운영자 2024-09-25
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Prayer for the Restoration of Israel and Nations      





'The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug; their feet are caught in the net they have hidden. The Lord is known by his acts of justice; the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands. '

(Psalms 9:15-16)

Father God, we (I) pray for Israel.

Father God!

On September 18, a pager explosion and a walkie-talkie explosion the following day in Beirut, Lebanon, killed more than 40 Hezbollah members and wounded thousands. Also, on the 20th, Israeli airstrikes killed Hezbollah military leader Iza Abrain Aki and targeted Hezbollah headquarters, killing 16. In response, Hezbollah responded with hundreds of rockets and missiles that hit the Sea of ​​Galilee, Nazareth, and Haifa. Shells damaged the Jezreel Peace Farm and several homes, and there were also drone attacks by Houthi rebels in the south. The Israel Civil Defense Command has tightened security in the northern region, closing all schools, banning travel to the north, and banning gatherings of more than 100 people indoors and 10 outdoors.

Father God, the war between Israel and Hezbollah is intensifying with Hezbollah’s retaliatory attacks on Hezbollah pagers and walkie-talkies in Lebanon last week and several other targeted attacks. We believe this war belongs to you, Father God, and we continue to proclaim the words of Psalm 121 and pray to the Lord God, who protects Israel.

I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber;

indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord watches over you— the Lord is your shade at your right hand;

the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.

The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life;

the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

Father God, we pray that you will rule over and punish Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah on the northern border of Lebanon, and the Houthi terrorist group in Yemen to the south, who are attacking Israel in the evil scheme of Iran to destroy Israel. Most countries around the world see the evil of the Hamas terrorist group causing war and using Gazans as human shields due to the explosion of the Fifi explosion walkie-talkie in Lebanon. They are attacking Israel by saying that these explosions were done by Israel's Mossad while keeping Israelis hostage without raising a voice. "Arise, O God, and judge the earth, for all the nations are yours" (Psalm 82:8). Amen! Please have mercy on the Gazans who have left their homes and are living in exile due to war. We pray that Hamas' terrorist armed groups will raise their hands and surrender and that the land will be healed. Please protect the lives of the hostages held in the Gaza Strip and open the way for them to return quickly. Please have mercy on the Gazans who are suffering from war under the evil Hamas, and let the ignorant Hamas terrorists come forward and surrender. Please protect the lives of Israeli citizens and police officers from the terrorism that is occurring everywhere in Israel. Please protect and keep the Israeli soldiers who are fighting for peace in that land. Please help the civilians who were injured in war and terrorism and the soldiers who were wounded on the battlefield to be treated well and recover healthily. 

Please help the Israeli residents in the north, including Kiryat Shmona, to return home for the Feast of Tabernacles. Also, please bless the government and all the soldiers who are working hard to provide an environment where young children can receive school education and give them victory in the war. “Do not fear, you worm Jacob, you men of Israel,” declares the LORD. “I will help you, and your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. Behold, I will make you a new threshing sledge with sharp teeth; you will beat the mountains and crush them, and make the hills like chaff.” (Isaiah 41:14-15) According to this word, please make the soldiers of Israel a new threshing sledge. We pray that you will protect and help the soldiers working hard on the battlefield to become brave soldiers and an army that fulfills God’s word. “For you are holy, O Lord, enthroned in the praises of Israel.” (Psalm 22:3). We praise the holy God of Israel.

Father God!

We praise the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, who protects Israel and gives her victory in war. We pray that you purify Jerusalem for the holy name of God the Father. We destroy all the idols that have defiled the temple of Jerusalem in the name of Yeshua. We oppose all the evil deeds of the pagans in the Valley of the Hinnom and the foreign gods in the Valley of Kidron in the name of Yeshua and burn them with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Covered with the blood of Yeshua, we declare that Jerusalem will be purified in the mighty name of Yeshua. The altar of Abraham on Mount Moriah will be restored. The altar of the burnt offering on the threshing floor of Araunah of David will be erected. The temple established through Solomon, proclaiming peace, will be established as a house of prayer for all peoples, and worship will be restored! Glory be to the holy Jehovah God alone. We declare that the complete restoration of Jerusalem will be accomplished in the name of the Messiah Yeshua, who will come again!

Father God!

Heavenly Father, we thank you for calling all of us, Gentiles, as intercessors and servants of God’s great and precious work. We pray with the mission of a watchman on the perfect wall. Give us peace in Jerusalem, Lord God, establish Jerusalem and be praised. May the Jews and all the tribes of Israel scattered throughout the nations who must return to their homeland return to the Promised Land. Please work so Aliyah can be fulfilled even among the believing Jews by changing the law of return. Give us the power to fully fulfill the precious mission of praying and serving each of us until the word of God is fulfilled. May I always live a life of faith filled with the Holy Spirit. Please take care of our health.

In the name of Yeshua Messiah, I (we) pray for Israel.


Praying for the Nations



'Among the gods there is none like you, Lord; no deeds can compare with yours. All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name. For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God. '

(Psalms 86:8-10)

Father God!

Last week, Ukraine's massive drone strikes on Russia caused a seismic explosion at a 30,000-ton arsenal and $200 billion worth of missile and ammunition depot in the Tver region, west of Moscow. Residents of nearby villages were evacuated, and NASA satellites detected intense heat emanating from an area of ​​about 14 square kilometers (5 square miles) at the site early in the morning. Seismic monitoring stations recorded that sensors determined a small earthquake had occurred in the area.

Father God! Ukraine, which is at war with Russia, has invaded several Russian border towns across the border, forcing Russian residents to evacuate and take refuge. Last week, the attack on Russia's large arsenal of missiles and ammunition depots prompted Russian President Putin to step up his attacks on Ukraine and continue to threaten the United States and other Western countries with a world war. “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See to it that you are not frightened. These things must happen, but the end is not yet. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of sorrows.” (Matthew 24:6-8) According to these words, climate change and wars are the beginning of sorrows, and we can see that the era of tribulation has arrived. Please work the Holy Spirit so that the souls chosen by the Lord can come before the Lord under challenging environments and situations. Please let those who must be saved from every nation, tribe, people, and language come quickly. Until the coming of our Lord, Yeshua, the Prince of Peace, the wars prophesied and foretold will continue endlessly, and we will see people opposing each other. Please let people of faith wake up in this era, intercede, and prepare the way for the Lord’s return. Please fill us with the Holy Spirit and let us live the life of saints of the Word and prayer.

Father God!

Many Eastern European countries suffered from severe flooding due to Typhoon Boris, and cities in southern China, including Shanghai, continue to suffer from severe typhoons and floods. Last week, Korea also experienced heat waves and heavy rain, and many cities in the southern region were flooded and suffered extensive damage. This summer, due to climate change affecting all countries around the world, typhoons, heavy rain, floods, tornadoes, and wildfires are burning all over the world, and people are also suffering from heat waves. “You who have shown us great troubles, you will revive us; you will bring us up again from the depths of the earth” (Psalm 71:20). As the psalmist confesses in his prayer, may the residents who are suffering and taking refuge seek God as their help and come to God as our help with hope. Please comfort and show mercy to those who have lost their homes and families as a result of the typhoon and are in sorrow and hardship. May all the people of the nations in this age realize and know that God governs and rules over all things and all weather, and may they come before the Lord. May they come before God, the ruler, and master of all things in the universe, through disasters that cannot be done by human power.

We (I) prayed for the nations in the name of Yeshua Messiah. Amen. 


Praying for the United States



' Lord , I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord . Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy. '

(Habakkuk 3:2)

Father God, I (we) pray for the US.


Father God!


Churches and many Christian organizations follow the cultural trend, with churches in Canada and the UK flying the rainbow flag of the Woke Pride movement. For churches to embrace this generation’s identity politics is tantamount to abandoning the truth of Christianity and can be a significant threat, especially to the younger generation, who are sensitive to cultural trends. This worldly culture is significantly affecting young children through electronic screens. It substantially hinders children’s ability to spend time with friends, make friends, and interact socially, weakening their social skills. Experts urge parents to limit their children’s exposure to electronic devices until at least age 10, a critical developmental period.


Father God, we are concerned about the current situation in our churches and public schools, as the WOKE PRIDE movement is very close to our children. We are grateful for the news that conservative Christians are renewing their faith in God, and church attendance is recovering. Only the truth of the Bible can help us overcome all of this. “If you abide in my word, then you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31b-21) As this verse says, please educate our children in the truth so they will guard their souls and hearts, especially in the age of social media. Please help parents and churches understand and support the temptations and dangers of modern technology, from pornography to social isolation due to screen overexposure. Please help children see how screens affect them, hindering their ability to form relationships with friends and interact socially. Please help parents limit their young children’s exposure to electronic devices and have open conversations with them. “O LORD, I have heard your report and was afraid. O LORD, revive your work in the midst of the years; in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.” (Habakkuk 3:2) Please give parents the wisdom to live a life of exemplary faith and raise them properly, especially for the next generation and their young children, with an awakened faith.


Father God!


Pray for the upcoming presidential election in the United States. Pray that the United States will once again implement policies based on biblical values ​​and that people of good faith will be elected to follow God’s will and walk the right path. Thank you for the fact that 36 states in the United States have laws requiring voters to show some form of identification in this election and want transparency. Please help the Senate pass proper voter identification laws in 14 other states and Washington, D.C., to ensure fairness. Please prevent ineligible voters from registering and removing them from the voter rolls in every state in the United States so that elections can be held properly. Thank you for finding over 500,000 invalid voters in Arizona and removing nearly a million ineligible voters from Texas. Also, please stop rigging voting machines and eliminate mail-in voting fraud. Please help us elect the right leaders who will restore and uphold the values ​​of the Bible and the United States' founding principles.


# Father God, please elect more conservatives to city council and school board positions and let them make important decisions in their children’s school districts with clear and sound policies. We also pray that you will bring about change and that education will fulfill God’s will. “My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27). Please establish a majority of senators, representatives, and state governors who will work together with a president who respects the truth of the Bible and upholds America’s founding principles and constitutional values. Please require proper ID during the election process, and let the people have the appropriate discernment to judge the false propaganda that abortion is a personal freedom and reproductive right and use it in elections. Please let the right leaders be elected in God’s eyes. May all ten states that have abortion rights on the ballot (FL, CO, SD, AZ, MO, MT, NE, NA, NY, MD) elect pro-life policies, and may the seven swing states (PA, NC, GA, MI, WI, AZ, NV) elect the right leaders. May America be used not as a country that propagandizes and leads abortion and LGBTQ but as a country that spreads the gospel to the nations and gives the fruits of salvation as a good influence.


We (I) prayed for America in the name of Yeshua, Messiah. Amen. 


Praying for South Korea



'The Lord foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples. But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord , the people he chose for his inheritance. '

(Psalms 33:10-12)

Father God, I (we) pray for South Korea.

Father God!


The 4th Lausanne Congress, which will be held from September 22 to 28, 2024, opened with an opening service at Songdo Convensia on the 22nd, with the theme “Let the Church Declare and Display Christ Together.” The Lausanne Congress is a movement started by Billy Graham of the United States and John Stott of the United Kingdom to identify evangelical missions' driving force and rediscover the church's missionary identity. In his opening remarks, Rev. Jaehoon Lee, Co-Chairman of the 4th Lausanne Congress, stated that this Congress is the first Congress to be held in the “4th Industrial Revolution Era,” “Multi-Centered Mission Era,” and “Multi-Generation Digital Era.” “The 4th Lausanne Congress will be a place to promote transformation through the gospel,” “I am confident that God will show amazing things when we gather here to form a cooperative relationship with one heart and one mind.” Michael Oh, President of Lausanne International, said, “The speed of spreading the gospel is slowing down today.” "This is because the churches did not need each other and did not effectively preach Jesus Christ," he said. "As the Second Coming approaches, evil will raise its voice louder," he said. "That is why we must raise our voices and proclaim Christ. We must not be afraid but with faith, not be arrogant but humble, not competitive but cooperative, and raise a biblical voice in this land."


Father God, 5,300 evangelical leaders from 202 countries worldwide, including pastors, missionaries, seminarians, and experts in various fields, are attending the Lausanne Congress currently being held in Korea. Please let this 4th Lausanne Congress become the starting point for seeking evangelization strategies for this era. Please grant us grace so that the gospel that flowed through missionaries Appenzeller and Underwood 130 years ago can again be an opportunity to establish the Korean church correctly. When the participants are having thematic lectures, meetings, Bible sermons, and small group discussions, may the Holy Spirit directly intervene so that the Korean church and churches around the world, which are preparing for these last days, can intensely discuss what is needed to correctly spread the gospel of God’s kingdom to the nations. In particular, may the gathered people have the opportunity to rise for the restoration of Israel and open their spiritual eyes so that they can go forward with the faith of One New Man, the completion of God’s church. “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence” (Matthew 23:25). With this word in mind, may God work powerfully as we announce the Seoul Declaration on the last day of the Lausanne Congress. May the Holy Spirit grant global evangelicalism the authority to speak out biblically in a chaotic world based on the Word of God regarding the Comprehensive Crusade Anti-Discrimination Act, the sexual revolution, and gender ideology.


Father God!


The number of psychotropic drug offenders under the age of 20 has increased more than sevenfold over the past two years, prompting calls for urgent countermeasures. According to data from the National Assembly Legislation and Judiciary Committee on the 23rd, the number of psychotropic drug offenders under the age of 20 has increased by approximately 7.2 times over the past two years, from 192 in 2021 to 332 in 2022 and 1,383 in 2023. It was also revealed that psychotropic drug offenders have a higher recidivism rate than other drug offenders. Psychotropic drugs are drugs that act on the central nervous system and cause physical and mental dependence, and include methamphetamine, zolpidem, and ketamine, the so-called 'club drug.' "Recently, psychotropic drug crimes have emerged as a serious problem throughout society, and the increase in psychotropic drug offenders is particularly noticeable among teenagers." "A thorough analysis of the causes of the sharp increase in psychotropic crimes and active responses such as institutional improvement to prevent crimes and prevent repeat offenses are urgently needed," he said. Amid this, the October 16th re-election for the superintendent of education is also very important for the next generation and the Korean church.


Father God, please have mercy on the next generation of the Korean church in crisis. Please protect the teenagers who are exposed to psychotropic crimes and whose numbers are rapidly increasing year by year. Please hold them with your mighty right hand so they can meet God personally from a young age rather than being tempted by the world and live by realizing the secret of God's invisible, eternal kingdom rather than the fleeting joys of the world. When thinking about the next generation, this election for the superintendent of education is crucial every week. Unlike other polls, there is no party or symbol; only the name is written, so please bless the next generation. This election is intended to separate education from politics, considering the importance of education. Please let a superintendent of education who is in line with God’s heart run for office and grant the saints, who are the voters, the power of discernment to make the right decision. “Jesus turned and said to them, ‘Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children.’” (Luke 23:28). Please help our parents be more awake, pray with tears for their children, and provide them with the proper religious education, just as He said. “From a young age, all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17) We believe that if we diligently teach the Word of God according to this Word and live in it when we sit at home, walk, lie down, and rise, the power to overcome these last days will be poured upon them. Please let many servants who will refresh the heart of God arise in the Korean church through the next generation.


Father God!


North Korea has been launching trash balloons several times since May, and as of September 22, it had launched a total of 5,500 trash balloons in 22 rounds. The Joint Chiefs of Staff said, "This is an internationally shameful and petty act that creates discomfort and anxiety among our people and causes conflict between the South and the North." "If it is judged that there is a serious risk to the safety of our people or that the line has been crossed, our military will take decisive military action." Regarding some people's calls for a physical response from the military, such as aerial shooting down, he explained, "If an aerial shooting down causes the spread of unexpected hazardous materials, it could pose a greater problem to the safety of our people." He added, "Although North Korea's trash balloons may cause inconvenience and difficulties, the fundamental solution to eradicate North Korea's trash balloons is to show that 'the enemy has nothing to gain.'"


Father God, the North Korean regime has not yet given up on its dream of unification through communism by force. They are sending out filthy balloons and spewing out unspeakable curses, not knowing how hideous they are and how much evil spirits control them. “For we know that he said, ‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay,’ and again, ‘I will judge his people.’” (Hebrews 10:30) May God have mercy on them, as this verse says. Let us send gospel balloons to North Korea with the love of the cross that Jesus showed, saving their lives, not in the form of a tooth for a tooth or an eye for an eye. May the Juche ideology that worships Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il, and Kim Jong-un collapse, and may the grace of unification be brought forward through the gospel come quickly among us. May the North Korean communist regime that is blocking unification collapse, and may the day come soon when the tearful prayers of North Korean believers’ earnest wishes are answered. “The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the peoples. The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his people to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he has chosen for his inheritance.” (Psalm 33:10-12) Following this word, please let the Korean church be unified and become a nation that serves God. Let the church's leaders and believers especially worship God correctly, pray, and live a life of faith in their respective positions. Please fill the remaining cup of prayer for unification quickly. Also, please pour out the Holy Spirit on the church and believers so they can live a life of the Word.


In the name of Yeshua Messiah, I (we) prayed for South Korea. Amen. 

Praying for CWMI

Father God!

We pray for the ministry planned and promoted by CWMI in 2024. 

Thank you for blessing the Korean Missionary Seminar held in Israel from September 23rd to 30th during the war and for making it happen with grace. Please bless Pastor Kim In-sik, Mrs. Kim Woong-ja, Pastor Lee Seong-ja, Pastor Choi Ezra, and all the pastors and missionaries who are attending who have been sent by the Lord, and keep them strong and safe with the Holy Spirit.

# Please bless all executives and branch heads, including the president. What we ask of those in charge is loyalty, so let them obey for the glory of the Lord and let only the gospel be revealed. 


Focused ministry:

1. Israel Bible Seminar 2. Bible College 3. Cultural Performance Ministry 

4. Aliyah fundraising ministry 5. Consolation ministry 6. Intercessory prayer ministry



We pray for the Wednesday All Nations Prayer Meeting, held online every week. Thank you for blessing the Nations Prayer Meeting, which has been working diligently every week. Bless the ICC Church and the Virginia House of Prayer for the Nations (VHOP). Thank you for allowing us to make the recent 'Prayer Video' to pray for the fulfillment of the Bible and the video to convey "God's Time and Israel". Many videos that can be used as data to inform Israel are spread so people can discern the time of this era and pray with the Bible in their closets.

Proclaiming prayer for Israel and all other nations



In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

The great kings’ city, Jerusalem shall be fully filled with the peace of Yeshua, the king of Jews!

The powers that divide Jerusalem and prevent the return of the King will be collapsed by self-destruction!

Persian influence, supporting the neighboring countries to be against Jerusalem, will be cut off!

All saints in the whole world shall be watchmen over the walls of Jerusalem!

The sound of idolatry, in Jerusalem and the land of Israel, shall be cut off! Let it disappear and vanish! Amen!

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

The miracle of salvation, healing, and restoration shall be full in every church in Israel every day!

The movement to know Yeshua, a Jewish man, shall be a trend in the campus of Israeli universities! Amen! 

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

This year shall be a major turning point for Jewish Aliyah in all around the world!

Jewish people living in Russia, central Asia, and all other areas shall quickly return to their homeland before the doors shut!

Korean churches, in all nations, seeing the flag of Aliyah, shall participate in the Mission for Israel! Amen!

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

All the chain of oppression binding Arabic children and women shall shatter!

Children and women in Arab countries shall be the gateway to the blessings of the Gospel!

The dirty spirit of Homosexuality, covering the whole world, shall crumble! Amen! 

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

The wind of reform to understand Israel shall blow in the Korean Churches!

The wicked forces behind the North Korean regime shall be collapsed and self-destructed!

The brave believers shall be raised and restored in North Korea so that the Gospel shall spread widely! Amen!

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the King of Jews, King of kings, I proclaim.

The fascination of Antichrist, the world monolithic government such as the Illuminati, Jesuit, Freemason, and the united religion, shall be clearly exposed!

Wise and loyal servants of God shall discern and teach so that the saints will be awake without being deceived!The Grace of our Lord, Yeshua Messiah, the love of God, and the communion of Holy Spirit shall be filled upon all Christians who pray for the peace of Jerusalem and world mission! Amen!



Above all supplication, I (we) pray in the name of Yeshua Messiah. 

Finish with God’s prayer. Amen.

“Prayer Meeting for Israel and All Nations”

Every Wednesday 12PM (US EDT), ICC Worship VA


CWMI Korea

The regular prayer meeting, on last Thursday every month, is temporarily stopped. 

The next meeting schedule will be informed later.

Inquiry:  missionary Cho, Kyung Soon (010-5511-1824)

CWMI Overseas 

Please refer to the online prayer meeting (live streaming available) at the Virginia international House of Prayer (International Calvary Church / CWMI Chairman Pastor Sung-ja Lee). 

ICC Worship VA


CWMI Website (

Visit the website every week to watch the ICC Friday Open Worship Service, which offers praise and prayers.



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