CWMI Israel & All Nations Prayers

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CWMI Israel & All Nations Prayers
Prayer for the Restoration of Israel and Nations(07/31-08/06) 운영자 2024-07-31
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Prayer for the Restoration of Israel and Nations      



Praying for Israel



'With your help I can advance against a troop ; with my God I can scale a wall. As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord ’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him. '

(Psalms 18:29-30)

Father God, we (I) pray for Israel.

Father God!

On July 27, Hezbollah's rocket attack on the Golan Heights killed 12 children at the Druze village of Majdal Shams soccer stadium. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Israeli military retaliated by bombing several Hezbollah bases in Lebanon. Hezbollah has also increased its attacks, raising concerns about an escalation of the war. Following this Hezbollah incident, officials in the Biden administration have clearly stated Israeli sovereignty, following the Trump administration's policy of declaring the Golan Heights part of northern Israel. Israel captured Jerusalem and the Golan Heights from Syria during the Six-Day War in 1967 and annexed them in 1981. The United Nations has been urging Israel to return Jerusalem and the Golan Heights to Syria every year for more than a decade. Among these, former US President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in 2018 and moved the embassy to Jerusalem. In 2019, he recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

Father God, the Dur Israelis in the Golan Heights are in mourning as 12 young children and children were killed, and many were injured in the indiscriminate attack by Hezbollah. Please comfort them and help them as Israeli citizens to have a proper view of the nation and to be armed and prepared for attacks by Hezbollah and Syrian Iran against Israel. “I will establish my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you. I will give the land where you are living, all the land of Canaan, as an everlasting possession, and I will be their God.” (Genesis 17:7-8) We believe in this and thank you for giving the nation and land to the Israelites, the descendants of Abraham, as promised to Abraham.

Father God, please protect the Israeli soldiers during the war and eliminate the Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip. Please give us the wisdom and ability to accurately prepare for and defend against the increasing level of attacks by Hezbollah on the northern Lebanese border, as well as to attack. Please block the attacks with the Lord’s heavenly hostages. The bodies of the five hostages were recovered in the Gaza Strip. Please comfort their families. Please protect the lives of the 111 people still held hostage by Hamas and open the way for the hostages to return. Please comfort and protect the families of the remaining hostages and comfort the families of the soldiers who were sacrificed and their colleagues and neighbors. Please help the evil Hamas terrorist group in the Gaza Strip to be eliminated quickly. The rocket attacks by Hezbollah on the northern Lebanese border are getting worse. Please help the wounded soldiers receive proper treatment and recover healthily.

Father God!

Israeli military intelligence has recovered numerous documents and items detailing Hamas’ plans for operations around the world, including in Europe, Jordan, Egypt, and the United States, through the tunnel capture and captured Hamas fighters. An Excel spreadsheet shows the preparedness of special forces, companies' battalions, and brigades, including information on the war, training ranges, weapons, and ammunition. According to the document, Hamas detailed its plans to infiltrate the security mechanisms of the Palestinian Authority (PA), incite internal rebellion, weaken PA forces, and seize control. On October 7, more than 4,000 terrorists from 75 infiltration sites continued to discover tunnels that were used to attack settlements and military outposts in the western Negev. Amid the bombing, one tunnel contained not only many rockets but also over 150 pickup trucks smuggled through the Philadelphia Route tunnel, over 350 Chinese motorcycles, military equipment, medical equipment, amputation weapons using Kalashnikov rifles with bayonets or machetes, special forces rifles (Russian Kalashnikovs), and other rifles for the rest of the force.

Father God, thank you for exposing and destroying the evil plans of Hamas. “He who digs a pit will fall into it, and he who rolls a stone will be crushed by it.” (Proverbs 26:27). “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9). Thank you for exposing and destroying the evil plans of Hamas and causing them to fall into the traps they have dug.

Father God, the war belongs to Jehovah, and both this war with Hamas and the war with Hezbollah are in the hands of Jehovah God. 

We pray with the words of Psalm 18:31-40. 

31. For who is God but the LORD? And who is the Rock but our God? 32. It is he who arms me with strength; he makes my way blameless. 33. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he sets me on my high places. 

34. He trains my hands for war; my arms can bend a bow of bronze. 35. You have given me the shield of your salvation; your right hand upholds me, and your gentleness makes me great. 

36. You enlarge my steps and not let my feet slip. 

37. I will pursue my enemies; I will not turn back until they are destroyed. 

38. I will strike them so that they are not able to rise; they will fall under my feet. 

39. You have armed me with strength for the battle; you have subdued before me those who rise up against me. 

40. You have turned my enemies’ backs against me and have made them who hate me bow down before me. You have cut them off.

Praise the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, who protects Israel and gives them victory in war. Pray that Jerusalem be purified for the holy name of God the Father. All the idols that have defiled the temple of Jerusalem are destroyed in the name of Yeshua. All the evil deeds of the pagans in the Valley of the Hinnom and the foreign gods in the Valley of Kidron are opposed in the name of Yeshua and are consumed by the fire of the Holy Spirit. We declare that Jerusalem is purified in the mighty name of Yeshua and covered with the blood of Yeshua. The altar of Abraham on Mount Moriah will be restored. The altar of the burnt offering on the threshing floor of Araunah of David will be erected. The temple Solomon established to proclaim peace will be established as a house of prayer for all peoples, and worship will be restored! Glory be to the holy Lord God alone. We proclaim the complete restoration of Jerusalem in the name of the returning Messiah, Yeshua!

Father God!

Heavenly Father, we thank you for calling all of us, Gentiles, as intercessors and servants of God’s great and precious work. We pray with the mission of a watchman on the perfect wall. Give us peace in Jerusalem, Lord God, establish Jerusalem and be praised. May the Jews and all the tribes of Israel scattered throughout the nations who must return to their homeland return to the Promised Land. Please work so Aliyah can be fulfilled even among the believing Jews by changing the law of return. Give us the power to fully fulfill the precious mission of praying and serving each of us until the word of God is fulfilled. May I always live a life of faith filled with the Holy Spirit. Please take care of our health.

In the name of Yeshua Messiah, I (we) pray for Israel.


Praying for the Nations



'Among the gods there is none like you, Lord; no deeds can compare with yours. All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name. For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God. '

(Psalms 86:8-10)

Father God!

The 33rd Olympiad Summer Olympics is held in Paris, France, from July 26 to August 11. The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics showed that this is an evil generation with various evil praises of transgender people and sequences that seemed to mock Christianity. By hosting the Olympics, France is leading the culture of Sodom and Gomorrah and showing that the world's culture is in its final days. Also, during the entrance ceremony, the announcer made a mistake by introducing the Korean athletes entering as North Korea, the People's Republic of Korea.

Father God, we see that the World Summer Olympics, which should be a sport of sound mind, is promoting a corrupt culture through a program that leads to the destruction of sin. We repent and pray for this generation, asking that the Lord rule for the sake of Your holy name. Please have mercy on those who plan, host, and enjoy these evil things and work to make them realize and repent worldwide. Also, at this time of danger of terrorism, we pray that you will protect and watch over the athletes from each country. In particular, please ensure that the French security forces and police have 24-hour security for the safety and security of the Israeli athletes and all athletes in the athletes’ village so that the games can be played with true sportsmanship, respect for each other, and doing their best. Also, evangelists from all over the world are spreading the gospel centered around the Paris Olympic Stadium. “Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season.” (2 Timothy 4:2a). Please follow our steps as we spread the gospel according to this word, even in the heat and difficulties. At this time, please allow the Holy Spirit to bring about the work of salvation in which souls who need to be saved hear the gospel and come before the Lord.


Father God!

# China's 100-year flood caused the Yangtze River to overflow, dams and roads to collapse, and tornadoes and roads to collapse. These phenomena continue across a wide area, with countless homes destroyed and over a million people affected by the floods.

# Spain, where a heat wave of over 40 degrees has continued for the third week, has seen daytime temperatures in the southern city of Seville rise to 47 degrees Celsius. Madrid and all towns are over 44 degrees Celsius, and Morocco, Greece, etc., are experiencing temperatures of up to 50 degrees Celsius, causing many casualties.

# On July 22, a wildfire broke out in Jasper National Park, the largest area in the Canadian Rockies. One-third of Jasper City is on fire, and the firefighting operation is expected to take three months. The 'Park Fire,' which broke out in California on the 24th, has burned 1,489 square kilometers. It has spread with strong winds and has not yet been extinguished.

# The European Union Climate Change Service announced that the 21st was the hottest day on Earth since observations began in 1940. The average temperature on the global surface on the 22nd was 17.15 degrees, setting another record high.

Father God, this summer, all countries around the world are suffering from heavy rain, floods, tornadoes, wildfires, and heat waves due to climate change, and disasters continue to occur one after another. “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See to it that you are not frightened. All this must happen, but the end is not yet. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of sorrows.” (Matthew 24:6-8) According to this word, as the war between Israel and Hamas and the war between Russia and Ukraine continue, many countries are facing each other due to civil wars within them. In addition, we continue to hear news of natural disasters caused by climate change. As these things happen, we see that the beginning of sorrows is as the Lord said and that the time of tribulation prophesied in the Book of Revelation has come. We see that the words are being fulfilled through the signs of the last days until the coming of our Lord, Yeshua, the Prince of Peace. As we look at these last days, may the people of faith wake up and intercede for this age, and may they thoroughly prepare the way for the Lord’s return. May they be filled with the Holy Spirit and live the lives of saints who pray and obey the Word.

We (I) prayed for the nations in the name of Yeshua Messiah. Amen. 


Praying for the United States



'if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 

(2 Chronicles 7:14)

Father God, I (we) pray for the US.


Father God!


Earlier this month, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law AB 1955, a bill prohibiting schools from disclosing a student’s gender identity to parents. After some conservative California school districts passed policies requiring parents to notify their children when they request a gender change, the state has moved to ban the practice. In a survey asking whether children should be able to choose between gender-specific pronouns (he/him, she/her, they/them) or be referred to by their assigned gender, about 60 percent of respondents said children should be “referred to by their gender.” About 40 percent said children should be allowed to choose their pronouns. About 60 percent said allowing children to choose their pronouns was “an overreach that adds to the confusion about gender for children,” but 40 percent said it “prevents discrimination.”


# A Vermont female athlete was suspended for referring to a transgender male athlete with masculine pronouns. A PA college threatened to discipline students who “misuse” pronouns, including “misgendering, misusing pronouns, and deadnaming.”


# An Ohio professor was threatened with punishment by college officials for refusing to use a transgender student’s preferred pronoun. He settled for $400,000 and secured the right not to use pronouns conflicting with his beliefs.


# A teacher in Loudoun County, Virginia, was suspended after expressing concerns to the school board about a proposed policy requiring teachers to use a transgender student’s preferred pronoun. A judge ordered the teacher’s suspension lifted, and the Virginia Supreme Court rejected the school board’s appeal.


Father God, please help the nation realize this is not a hypothetical issue; repent and pray. “From the beginning of creation, God made them male and female” (Mark 10:6). Despite these words, many Christians, especially those in the educational world, are having difficulties due to the use of biological gender pronouns for transgender people and those with gender identity confusion. “In the same way, these dreamers defile the flesh, despise authority, and slander glory” (Jude 1:8). Looking at these words, I repent for the reality of this era in America, where people rebel against God the Creator and commit sins without realizing that they are sinners. Please let the church and parents repent and pray with a sorrowful heart for the reality that the educational world in America is departing from biblical values ​​along with the transgender culture. Please give wisdom, mainly so that families of faith can wake up, pray for their children, and raise them as children of faith who fear God with the correct word of God. Please let us cry out and pray so that this generation can overcome this world and give us the power of the Holy Spirit.


Father God!


Last week, thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters staged violent demonstrations against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s visit to the United States. Thousands of protesters climbed the flagpole in front of Union Station in Washington, D.C., took down the American flag, burned it, and replaced it with a Palestinian flag. They also defaced the Columbus Monument and the Liberty Bell with pro-Hamas symbols and anti-Israel messages. As protesters clashed violently with police, 25 arrests were made by three law enforcement agencies—the Metropolitan Police Department, the U.S. Capitol Police, and the U.S. Park Police—and 11 cases were referred to the Department of Justice. However, the D.C. Attorney General decided not to prosecute any 11 suspects.


Father God, even though historic monuments and objects were vandalized and painted in violent protests in our nation’s capital, the D.C. government did not prosecute the rioters. This is because they were pro-Palestinian protesters. “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for those who love Jerusalem will prosper (Psalm 122:6). As this verse says, I pray that America will continue to be a prosperous nation that seeks and loves the peace of Jerusalem and stands with Israel. “Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings; deliver me from the wicked who oppress me, from the fierce enemy who surrounds me” (Psalm 17:8-9). As this verse says, we pray that America will become a nation that stands with Israel and prays for them, fulfilling the mission you have given us. May the people realize the unbelievable behavior of the corrupt progressive governments, repent, and let America become a nation where justice and righteousness are fulfilled again. Even as America is currently experiencing extreme spiritual division, praying citizens may America return to its founding spirit based on the Bible. May the work of the Lord's Holy Spirit renew America and use it as a nation to spread the Word of God and demonstrate His goodness to the nations.


Father God!


May the president, House of Representatives, and Senate be established to respect the truth of the Bible and protect the founding principles and constitutional values ​​of the United States. May the majority of leaders who fear the Lord form the majority party so that justice and righteousness may be achieved in this country. May all officials, including the election commission, act in justice and righteousness so that the election process can be fair and just without manipulating public opinion or committing corruption. May the media also report election issues fairly and honestly without biased reporting that supports or criticizes a specific candidate. May Christian voters participate more in the election, vote, and faithfully exercise the rights given to us. May the American church wake up and pray that the American presidential election will be when God’s will is pleased and glory is glorified.


We (I) prayed for America in the name of Yeshua, Messiah. Amen. 


Praying for South Korea



'I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord , the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. '

(Psalms 121:1-4)

Father God, I (we) pray for South Korea.

Father God!


Recently, as heavy rains have continued in North Korea, the Yalu River near China has swelled rapidly due to the heaviest rainfall in 60 years, causing flood damage and flooding of houses. North Korea has established countermeasures and installed prefabricated sluice gates in various places to prevent flooding, but it was not enough, and the Korean Central News Agency reported that approximately 5,000 residents of Sinuiju and Uiju were isolated.


Father God, the poor and needy people of North Korea have lost their homes and are suffering due to the flood. We pray that you comfort them and that their needs are met, and that the door to unification opens. I pray that the churches, pastors, and believers of South Korea will fill the remaining prayer vessels for unification. “Though the Lord is high, he looks upon the lowly; he knows the proud from afar. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you will revive me; you will stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies; your right hand will save me.” (Psalm 138:6,7)


Father God, who knows the circumstances of the North Korean people suffering in North Korea according to this verse, I pray that the Juche ideology of Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il, and Kim Jong-un, who have oppressed the people and made religion an idol for three generations, will collapse and that the day of salvation will come quickly. Please fill the churches and believers in South Korea with the Holy Spirit so that they can discern the time, wake up, become an example of faith for the next generation, and become a church that achieves unification and nurtures the next generation of unification. Please fill them with the Holy Spirit so that they can make decisions of faith and live as the light of life in this dark and rebellious world, and teach the next generation the Word of God correctly and become people who live with bold faith that overcomes the world.


Father God!


We pray that the Korean political world will be renewed. Please make the government, the National Assembly, and the legal profession develop into true liberal democracy, drive away corruption, and make politics work for the nation and the people, not for their own interests. “To do justice and righteousness is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.” (Prov. 21:3) “Whoever pursues justice and kindness finds life, righteousness, and honor.” (Prov. 21:21) Please make politicians become those who practice God’s justice and righteousness according to these words. Please make them those who seek God, seeking His wisdom and understanding. “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that stands firm.” (Prov. 19:21) Please understand these words and make the National Assembly a place that seeks and follows the will of the Lord God, not their own plans. Please help people of faith to go beyond their political parties and cooperate in becoming one before God. May the people of faith in the Republic of Korea become leaders in all walks of life, living righteous lives, loving and serving their country and people. In particular, may the children of God and the church who believe in God the Father serve the Lord in the Lord's peace, and may they live as witnesses of the resurrection of the gospel so that all people may come before the Lord.


In the name of Yeshua Messiah, I (we) prayed for South Korea. Amen. 

Praying for CWMI

Father God!

We pray for the ministry planned and promoted by CWMI in 2024. 

We plan a seminar for Korean missionaries in Israel from September 23rd to 30th. Please bless us so that the doors that have been shrunk due to Israel's war will be wide open, and please keep the instructors and all attendees solid and safe with the Holy Spirit.

# Please bless all executives and branch heads, including the president. What we ask of those in charge is loyalty, so let them obey for the glory of the Lord and let only the gospel be revealed. 


Focused ministry:

1. Israel Bible Seminar 2. Bible College 3. Cultural Performance Ministry 

4. Aliyah fundraising ministry 5. Consolation ministry 6. Intercessory prayer ministry



We pray for the Wednesday All Nations Prayer Meeting, held online every week. Thank you for blessing the Nations Prayer Meeting, which has been working diligently every week. Bless the ICC Church and the Virginia House of Prayer for the Nations (VHOP). Thank you for allowing us to make the recent 'Prayer Video' to pray for the fulfillment of the Bible and the video to convey "God's Time and Israel". Many videos that can be used as data to inform Israel are spread so people can discern the time of this era and pray with the Bible in their closets.

                   Proclaiming prayer for Israel and all other nations



In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

The great kings’ city, Jerusalem shall be fully filled with the peace of Yeshua, the king of Jews!

The powers that divide Jerusalem and prevent the return of the King will be collapsed by self-destruction!

Persian influence, supporting the neighboring countries to be against Jerusalem, will be cut off!

All saints in the whole world shall be watchmen over the walls of Jerusalem!

The sound of idolatry, in Jerusalem and the land of Israel, shall be cut off! Let it disappear and vanish! Amen!

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

The miracle of salvation, healing, and restoration shall be full in every church in Israel every day!

The movement to know Yeshua, a Jewish man, shall be a trend in the campus of Israeli universities! Amen! 

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

This year shall be a major turning point for Jewish Aliyah in all around the world!

Jewish people living in Russia, central Asia, and all other areas shall quickly return to their homeland before the doors shut!

Korean churches, in all nations, seeing the flag of Aliyah, shall participate in the Mission for Israel! Amen!

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

All the chain of oppression binding Arabic children and women shall shatter!

Children and women in Arab countries shall be the gateway to the blessings of the Gospel!

The dirty spirit of Homosexuality, covering the whole world, shall crumble! Amen! 

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the king of Jews, I proclaim.

The wind of reform to understand Israel shall blow in the Korean Churches!

The wicked forces behind the North Korean regime shall be collapsed and self-destructed!

The brave believers shall be raised and restored in North Korea so that the Gospel shall spread widely! Amen!

In the name of Messiah Yeshua, the King of Jews, King of kings, I proclaim.

The fascination of Antichrist, the world monolithic government such as the Illuminati, Jesuit, Freemason, and the united religion, shall be clearly exposed!

Wise and loyal servants of God shall discern and teach so that the saints will be awake without being deceived!The Grace of our Lord, Yeshua Messiah, the love of God, and the communion of Holy Spirit shall be filled upon all Christians who pray for the peace of Jerusalem and world mission! Amen!



Above all supplication, I (we) pray in the name of Yeshua Messiah. 

Finish with God’s prayer. Amen.

“Prayer Meeting for Israel and All Nations”

Every Wednesday 12PM (US EDT), ICC Worship VA


CWMI Korea

The regular prayer meeting, on last Thursday every month, is temporarily stopped. 

The next meeting schedule will be informed later.

Inquiry:  missionary Cho, Kyung Soon (010-5511-1824)

CWMI Overseas 

Please refer to the online prayer meeting (live streaming available) at the Virginia international House of Prayer (International Calvary Church / CWMI Chairman Pastor Sung-ja Lee). 

ICC Worship VA


CWMI Website (

Visit the website every week to watch the ICC Friday Open Worship Service, which offers praise and prayers.




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